Become an Alpha-Male, Attract Women, Overcome Approach Anxiety, and Get a Young Girlfriend

Define Your Goals For Dating Success

Posted: September 18th, 2010 | Author: dio | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | No Comments »

What type of relationship do you want? Do you want a harem? A few reliable FB’s?  Looking for one special person?

Some men want to rack up numbers.  The want the excitement of the chase, the thrill of the conquest, the satisfaction each notch brings.

Other men don’t want the hassle of meet a constant stream of new women- but they still relish variety.  They enjoy the company of a few ladies. No agendas, no strings; just fun.

Then there are those who just want to connect with one quality woman.  A special  lady they can commit to and settle down with. A person to share their life with.

If you’re looking for a stable of women, you’ve got to be willing to put in massive amounts of time and effort. You’ve got to go out and hustle all the time.  You’re only going to “close” a small percentage of women you meet, so you have to meet lots and lots of women.

But if want a “soul-mate”.. that one person who will be your perfect compliment, then you have to be willing to put in massive amounts of time and effort.  You’ve got to hustle. Remember the structure of the sales funnel – many leads, less qualified prospects, a few buyers. The “sniper” approach (where you set your sights on just one target) is ludicrous; because like the song says, “you can’t always get what you want”.  If you invest all your resources in sparking something with one lady, you’ll be back to zero if the relationship doesn’t catch and you have an empty pipe-line.

*Fortunately, there ARE ways to streamline the process and maximize your rewards.

What type of girl are you attracted to?  They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, flavors and personality profiles.  At life’s buffet, sampling is a wonderful thing.  You steer clear of the things you don’t like and go back for more of what you do.

I personally don’t believe in the concept of the “perfect soul-mate”.  I think everyone has a checklist of things that are important to them, and there are scores of candidates that possess those qualities in varying degrees.  There were times as a young man when I was nursing a heart-ache after a break-up with the “perfect girl”.  Then I’d meet some other girl, who also  had attributes I liked in a different ratio, and I’d start going out with her.

Point being: there are lots of girls who’ll fit your criteria – you have to know what kind of girls you’re looking for so you don’t waste energy chasing the wrong ones.

I’d caution you not to be too specific in your checklist, though, because you’ll be missing out on a lot of great opportunities to meet and date wonderful, quirky, cute girls who would appreciate your company.

For me, the checklist went like this:

REQUIRED – No Negotiation

  • Must be born female (no hermaphrodites, no Franken-ginas,)
  • Not currently married (been there, and its not worth the risk of getting shot)
  • No contagious diseases or active addictions  (speaks for itself)


  • Height in proportion to weight (a nice way of saying no anorexics, no fatties)
  • Sense of humor (and more specifically, who understands mine)
  • Younger than me (I love puppies.  *shrug*)


  • Intelligent
  • Easy going
  • Non-smoker

So think about what kind of girls you’re attracted to, what type of relationship you’d like to be in , and what price you’re willing to pay in order to make it happen. Knowing what you want is the first step towards meeting the girl of your dreams

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