Become an Alpha-Male, Attract Women, Overcome Approach Anxiety, and Get a Young Girlfriend

What Makes YOU Special? – Cool Hobbies That Attract Girls

Posted: September 9th, 2010 | Author: dio | Filed under: Inner Game / Self-Confidence | Tags: , , , , , , | No Comments »

Zombies. They walk the earth. They shuffle around, going through the motions – they drag themselves to work, they shuffle through stores, they distract themselves with meaningless entertainment, they numb themselves with drugs and tranquilize themselves with food.

They do their job, come home and veg, maybe get aggravated at the    family, eat, sleep, shit and do it again the next day.  And the day after that.  In fact, this describes how most people sleepwalk through their lives.

It saddens me when I meet people who don’t have their own  personal “thing”.  Something they’re passionate about.  Something that they DO, that gives them a UNIQUE IDENTITY.  Something COOL.

It doesn’t have to be a colossal  mission like tearing down “the system” -as  Tyler Durden set out to accomplish in Fight Club.    It might be a way to blow off some steam, express your creativity, adds value to your life, or just  widens your social circle.  And of course, that makes you interesting to girls.

So what sets you apart from the millions of other finance guys, middle managers, IT troubleshooters,  small business owners etc? What makes you special? What’s YOUR thing?

If its  cooking up meth in your kitchen or organizing travel groups to Al Quada training camps in Pakistan, you’ll get blown up and be deleted from the dating pool shortly.  For everyone else, on with the show.

  • Uncool hobbies:
    • Collecting Shit- stamps, beer cans of the world, bugs
    • Tying fishing lures.  Girls will not find this sexy.
    • Gaming (WoW, Sims, Call of Duty) Amazingly popular, yes.  But games are a substitute for life, not life itself.
    • Being any kind of  “reenactor”.  Are you seriously going to wear your Civil War mutton chop sideburns all year long?
    • Scrapbooking.  How sentimental.  Yikes.

  • Cool Hobbies That Chicks Like
    • Playing an instrument. Almost any instrument offers multiple opportunities to get girls. (Exception- accordion)
    • Dancing.  (Ballroom, Swing) Chuck Lidell and Evander Hollyfield got over their fear of looking spastic, and so can you.  Being able to dance gives you a major edge over your competition.  You’ll have fun.  You’ll  meet lots of girls who will eagerly take your lead.  You’ll showcase your grace & sophistication .  Other guys will be standing around with their thumbs hooked in their belt and grumbling.
    • Restoring Hot Rods (while grease and tools might not enthrall girls, driving a hot car does turn heads)
    • Martial Arts – A guy that can take care of himself and protect his woman’s very attractive.  Shop for a system that appeals to you, a qualified instructor and a good school vibe. (*Personal Prejudice: steer clear of Tae Kwon Do – its a joke).
    • Learning a language. It stretches your brain.
    • Travel – It expands your perspective and makes you more worldly. Plus, you can use your new language skills to pick up in other countries!
    • Outdoor activities
      • skiing
      • hiking
      • mountaineering
      • sailing, boating
      • surfing
      • scuba
    • Cooking- “Come over to my place, I’ll cook dinner. You bring desert” Remember, most of the world’s finest chefs are men.
    • Volunteering.  As the saying goes, “when we are good to others, we are best to ourselves”.  Find a cause you can support and get involved.  The more you contribute, the more you enrich yourself.

A note of caution: At the beginning of your learning curve, your new hobby will NOT be fun.  As a matter of fact, you’ll likely feel irritatingly frustrated.  Fun is a function of competence, and that takes time.  No one just walks into a brand new endeavor and masters it.  So be prepared to stick it out for at least 6 weeks (the length of an introduction class) to 6 months (the minimum amount of time to develop some aptitude).

As for me, I’ve selected:

  • Martial Arts – Ive been training over 15 years, earned several black-belts, and have done extensive cross training.
  • Guitar – Started taking lessons as an adult.  It did not come naturally, but with a lot of practice and the encouragement of a very patient teacher, I got pretty good.  Music has added an entire new dimension to my life, and yes,  its helped me get laid.
  • Learning a Language-  4 months ago, I decided to learn French so I got a good software program and set aside 20 minutes to an hour every night to do the lessons.  (Like anything worthwhile, it doesn’t happen by itself).  It’s slow going, but I’m  making progress.

I understand that there are only so many hours in a day, and that you’re tired after work, and you have responsibilities.  So does everyone else. Make the time and make it happen.  Or you can mill around with the rest of the zombies.

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Separating MEN From Boys- Who Has the Advantage in Attracting Women?

Posted: September 7th, 2010 | Author: dio | Filed under: Inner Game / Self-Confidence | Tags: , , , , , | No Comments »

She’s stunning, fit, young and stylish, and for just one moment, she’s paused to  listen to a street musician. There’s a small window of opportunity that will slam shut without warning. You know you’ll never forgive yourself if you stand silently and let her walk away.  You WILL make your approach, engage her, develop rapport, pique her interest,tease, gain commitment, close for her number and be on your way.

Damn, she’s beautiful! As you take a breath and shift into GO mode, you spot 2 young bucks who’ve also locked on to the target. You hesitate for a second. In that instant, they move. You watch as they strike up a conversation, get her to laugh, and walk away together.

Sound familiar? Well, this has actually happened to me. IT SUCKS!!!  It’s the result of analysis paralysis, lack of preparation,  and the tandem of dream-killers, fear coupled with self-doubt.

  • Attractive women get hit on everywhere, all the time.  There’s competition.  So what?
  • Rejection is a possibility.  So what.
  • Uh… Erm… Duh…

If you allow yourself to be intimidated by the perception that your competition has better attributes than you, then you’ve lost before you even played.  Other guys may be better built, or have leading-man looks, and they very well might have youth on their side.  SO WHAT?!

Don’t you dare count yourself out. The correct information, coupled with preparation and rehearsal will get you on track. Realize – A lot of women prefer older men.  Here’s why

Resources - Younger guys are just wading into the the workforce, while, you’ve swam to the deep end and made some waves.  Entry level jobs = entry level pay.  That’s the way it works. Men have developed careers that earn substantially more income.  They’ve saved more, invested more and acquired more quality stuff.
Edge: You
Beware: 1- Don’t flaunt, brag, or show off.  Its unattractive. 2- You don’t want to attract gold-diggers or chicks on the make for a sugar-daddy.  They’ll tease you,  take you for everything they can and string you along while  bashing guts with her fuck-buddies.

Maturity - Females grow up faster.  Males hit a level of ‘maturity’ at around 14 or 15, and pretty much stay stuck there until age 25 or so.  Younger guys need “bro love” and spend too much time hanging around with their pals.  They drink too much, too frequently.  They often lack direction, goals and ambition.  Boys get jealous.  They have temper tantrums.  Years season a man, tempering his character.
Edge: You
Beware:  1- If you’re still hanging out with the guys a few nights a week, or enjoying more than the occasional cocktail, or are prone to emotional outbursts, you have issues that need to be resolved – they’re causing you a host of problems you may not realize or want to admit.  2-  “Mature” does NOT mean boring or predictable- women find spontaneity and playfulness very desirable.

Experience- For those with a desire to learn, the years bestow wisdom.  Understanding of worldly things. Perspective.  Wisdom.  Men should have a certain sophistication, and demonstrate more polished social skills. Men have already made their rookie mistakes and have figured things out.  Men know how a lady needs to be treated. And young ladies assume that men command a wide repertoire of sexual techniques.
Edge: You
Beware:  1- To truly evolve, you’ll need to continually question your assumptions and upgrade your knowledge.  2- No one likes a “know-it-all”; there are times to stay silent and allow others to have their opinions and  make mistakes.

Security- Men are secure in themselves, and can also protect their women if need be.  While young guys are still playing to the crowd and getting tangled up in gossip or high school popularity games, men avoid drama.  Men aren’t needy. They know themselves and their strengths, and are confident they can handle future challenges. Men can provide the safety women crave.
Edge: You
Beware:  1- Even one whiff of clingieness / needieness will turn her off forever. A truly secure man can cut all ties with a woman, walk away,  and never look back.  And do it easily.   2- Security must be balanced with casual indifference. “Fear of Loss” is a more powerful motivator than “Hope for Gain”. To attract and keep a woman’s interest, a man must present a challenge.

From this moment forward, resolve that you will stop being a spectator, watching other people take risks, have fun, and reap the rewards.  Improve yourself every day, polish your skills, and get in the game!

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The Reasons Girls Hate Pickup Lines – Plus Four Approach Strategies You Can Use Immediately.

Posted: September 5th, 2010 | Author: dio | Filed under: Random, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , | No Comments »

I want to draw a distinction between an “opener” and a “pick up line”.  An opener is any kind of question or statement used to introduce yourself, spark curiosity / interest, and bridge into a conversation.  Pick-up lines are a sub-category of openers; they’re scripted, greasy, stale attempts to get a reaction.

The idea that you can win a woman over with the right pick-up line is a widely held misconception.  The classic pick-up line opener has been out of style for decades and attempting one will mark you as hopelessly out of touch. Lines fail miserably. Here’s why

  • They sound canned.  Because they are. She thinks: “…, and now that line has failed 1,347 consecutive times”
  • She’s heard them all before.  Pretty girls get hit on a lot- they’ve heard every line there is.  After a while, the same routine goes from boring to aggravating.  She’ll take great joy in shooting you down and then laugh at you with all of her friends.
  • Lines are demeaning.  Hit her with your best line and she’s going to think, “Really? I look like someone that’s going to fall for that? You think so little of me that you assume I might appreciate that old cheese?”
  • They don’t offer a segue to further conversation.  “Yes, my daddy was a thief. Yes, his biggest heist was stealing the stars from the heavens and putting their twinkle in my eyes.  You think I have nice eyes.  Thanks.  You must be going now.”
  • Chances are, if you’re relying on a line, you have doubts.  Those insecurities are magnified and projected.  Not cool.

What kind of openers DO work?
I’m not offering any surefire brand-new relationship ignition technology (although I do like the ring of that, and should trademark it before some PUA pirate steals it).  Men and women have been fucking for milena, so there’s nothing new under the sun.  But the  following opening strategies have a considerably higher success rate than ‘lines’.

  • Say something about the situation or environment. Note anything interesting, unusual or funny.  (Dull: “I hate standing in lines.  What about you?”  Engaging: “Third time today I’ve picked the wrong  line – but I have a feeling my luck’s about to turn around”)
  • Pay her a SMALL but sincere compliment on something specific. (Bad: “Hey, great cans… are they natural?” Good: “The design on your jacket is wild- is it hand painted?”)
  • Make a statement. Most women are fed-up with the ‘interrogation mode’ most guys get stuck in, and they don’t want to answer the same string of boring questions. A statement opens the door for her to agree or disagree. (Weak: “I see you have the new WhizBang phone”  Better: ”The waitress is missing in action. We should send out a rescue team.”)
  • Ask her opinion. This is also an excellent way to approach a group of women. Remember, when relating to a group, address everyone and keep your head on a swivel. In no time, you’ll ascertain who’s interested, and who’s a snarky cock-blocker so you can focus your attention on high-probability targets. (Horrific: “Ladies, let me get your opinion… can a man with a small penis please a woman?” Smooth: “Can I trouble you ladies for your opinion? It’ll take a second… my friend over there hasn’t heard from his girlfriend for three days.  They’ve only been dating for a month or so.  He’s already tried to call her a bunch of times… he’s worried.  I say stop worrying and stop trying to contact her- this is her way of blowing you off.  What do you think?”

These are just a few ideas. Remember, the opener is just one piece of the puzzle, and even the best opener won’t make up for a bad game.  Men, to be successful, you’ve also got to consider: * Your mindset * The right timing  * Angle of approach * The attitude you project * Your attire and accouterments * Personal space / proximity * Vocal tone and volume * Body language & eye contact * Grooming *  How you smell * Ability to read and respond to social cues * Conversational fluency * How to ‘close’ * When to exit *

Be Excellent,

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